

DESIGN MATERS and has an established 20-year career in design leadership, business and brand consulting. The firm was founded in 2014 and is an award winning boutique design consultancy offering creative strategy and storytelling services for both small and large brands alike. 

SOME Clients

The secret to the firm’s success is in the creative approach applied to their work with various business clients. DESIGN MATERS brings a passion for connecting with others and our curiosity for the human mind into the many client-based projects we initiate. Always drawn to how people impact and contribute to the areas of technology, creativity, and culture which shines through their work as creative consultants. 

Most of their work consists of helping organizations solve internal business complexities by applying visual solutions. Able to work through convoluted problems alongside senior leaders, and helps break down internal initiatives into simple visual solutions that individuals can use to improve communication inside an organization. We use design to move forward big ideas. DM has led the creation of brand programs, digital and interactive initiatives for internal and external communication affairs. Marketing solutions for a diverse set of powerhouse clients ranging from pharmaceutical to transportation. Many of our clients are usually CEO’s, executives, thought leaders, consultants and influencers seeking to elevate their company and personal brand.